Update for residents Sunday 12/11 at 19:45
Dear residents,
In recent days we have been receiving inquiries from residents regarding foreign media representatives who wish to interview residents and business owners. Unfortunately - the majority of the foreign media networks exploit such interviews against the people of Israel and against the residents of Judea and Samaria and present a distorted view of reality. We recommend that you avoid giving such interviews. Representatives of foreign media can be directed to the mayor's office.
As we published last week, one of the complex challenges we face is the challenge of cleaning the schools.
As of today, Aseh Chayil managed to hire a veteran employee who returned to clean. In the Orot Etzion Girls' and Chativa Tzeira schools, employees from the councils cleaning company work in the afternoon hours. In the Orot Etzion Boys' School, a student's grandfather was hired to the satisfaction of the school staff and parents. in the Ariel and Alumim schools - the cleaning company's workers clean with the reinforcement of volunteer parents.
The Ford Cleaning Company is looking to hire cleaners, ages 17 or older, to clean streets and schools.
For details:
Elad 052-4511010,
Netanel 052-5492279
On the council's website you can find a consolidated activity schedule of what is happening in Efrat in the coming week.
In prayer for the success of our soldiers and the security and rescue forces.
We will continue to update,
The Public Information Team